E515 Case Controller
The Guardian Controls E515 is a refrigeration control unit for supermarket display cases and cold/freezer rooms.

Product Detail
Energy efficient control of temperature, lighting and defrost for a single supermarket display case with 230VAC AKV or Solenoid valves. The E515 delivers superb energy saving superheat control using designated pack system optimisation to modulate the AKV10 valve. Based on the proven E636 platform the E515 delivers precision control. Communication via Ethernet TCP/IP, SNMP or RS485 Modbus.
Key Benefits
- Superb energy saving 230VAC AKV or solenoid superheat control
- Communication and remote update via Ethernet
- Real time scheduled defrosts with temperature termination
- Contact alarm input for door or compressor
5 x temperatures per case; Air On, Air Off, Coil In, Coil Out & Defrost or Product.
4 x 3A relay outputs; Fans, Defrost, Lights & Solenoid.
1 x SSR 230VAC 0.5A for AKV10 valve.
Supports PT1000 and 2K2 thermistor probes.
Real time clock, battery backed.
Additional IO and options available on the E636.
Used frequently with Guardian Consultant; PC based monitoring software.
Using Ethernet or RS485 integrate to other monitoring systems.
GC0120 – LED4 Display.
GC0131 – 4m Display Cable.
GC0152 – SKF3 Engineers Keyfob.
E515 Control Kit is available (E515, LED4, 4m cable & connectors).