Supermarket Optimisation

Guardian Controls has designed and manufactured a range of refrigeration and process control systems for supermarkets, cold rooms, freezers and process areas for over 30 years now. We’ve listened to customers, learned and improved our products and methodologies.

Our methodologies and control delivery a truly efficient system


We have a real understanding of the whole refrigeration cycle in a supermarket, how each component and section works, how they integrate and how changes in one area impact on other’s. This understanding is hugely import for energy efficiency and has allowed us to fine tune our methodologies and control to deliver a truly efficient system.

What we deliver

  • True energy efficient control across the refrigeration cycle.
  • Amazing superheat control
  • Floating head pressure control
  • Stable suction pressure
  • Smooth pack and condenser control
  • Continuous live optimisation


Our products control all aspects of the supermarket refrigeration cycle; a complete solution. They’re modular and can be applied to a small convenience store or a large superstore. The principles of our energy efficient control system can be applied across all store formats and deliver real savings with energy efficiency at the heart of it.

E636 Ethernet Case Controller

Refrigeration control unit for supermarket display cabinets and cold rooms…

GC-45 Pack Controller

A flexible refrigeration pack controller. In its primary option it delivers…

Fan Speed Optimiser

The Guardian Controls Fan Speed Optimiser (FSO) has been specifically…

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